Friday, June 01, 2007

Last Weekend

Hey there,

Sorry about the delayed posting but it's been a busy week. Work has been a full boat and Collider has bee hard at work finishing our demo. Tuesday night should see a final product - I'll let you know when we post it to our MySpace page.

I hope you had a great long weekend. I got a lot of R&R in. Satruday I played golf (Sam, George and I played the par 3 course at Haines Point) and did really well. I hit several greens from the tee and even drained a 25 foot put for a birdie!

Sunday morning Kate and I went to Luray Caverns down by the Shennandoah Valley. Supposedly I was there as a child but don't really remember. It was neat. Kate said "I love being in places that remind you how old the planet really is." I agree - it's easy to get an inflated sense of our own importance in the world, or the importance of things like cars of Lindsay Lohan's train wreck of a life. Being in a place that has been evolving for thousands and thousands of years really helps one keep it all in perspective. My favorite part of the caverns was this really cool standing water that perfectly reflected the stalagtites on the ceiling. It looked like two massive cities facing each other.

The other patrons at Luray were pretty diverse. We were surprised at the number of Indian families. There was also a rather boisterous Vietnamese group. Other than that it was your typical Virginia fare. The crowds were a little annoying while we were trying to enjoy nature's beauty but what're you gonna do, right? I wanted to play pirates but Kate was no fun - she wouldn't even give me one "Arrrrrrrg".

After Luray we went to a camp ground in Shennandoah national park where we were going to camp that night. We had a picnic and then went for a hike to this beutiful waterfall. On our hike back it started to rain. Then it started to rain HARD and the temperature dropped about 25 degrees. We were a mile from our campsite, soaking wet and running on the side of a road when a nice family in a pick up stopped and gave us a lift. Good thing too because a second later it started to hail really hard. The family dropped us off at my car (thank God we hadn't set up the tent already) where we waitend another 20 minutes before the hail storm let up and we could safely drive home (for some reason we didn't feel like camping anymore). Oh well, no camping this time. We went home and chilled out on the couch with some beers and microwaved smores.

Finally, Kate started her new job this week and that's going quite well. Check out her new employer:

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