Thursday, June 21, 2007

Been Sick & random updates

Sorry about the delay in posts, but I've been pretty ill. My dad, step mom, sister and nephew were all in town for Fathers day weekend. Evan is the cutest kid I've ever seen in my life. It was so great having him around. Our girlfriend's watched with smirks while Bryan and I did "Dad" duty with the little guy. It was great to see everyone, but Joanne and I both got pretty sick and that put rather a damper on the weekend. I'm better now though - finally.

Yesterday my awesome real estate agent called me up and offered me free tickets to the Nats game. Bryan, Kate and I were joined by Kate's friends Rose and Dave. It was lots of fun, even though the Nats got pretty trounced by the Detroit Tigers. There was also a kid behind me who kept screaming in my year "Triple Play! Get a triple play!!!!" and "Grand Slam!!!" I was seriously ready to slap him. I didn't though - cause I'm such a kind soul. I did get my beer, hot dog, nachos, and ice cream. My digestive system must love me.

On the way to the game I heard from my old friend Mary Santos. She hasn't really returned my calls in the last five months so I didn't really know what her deal was. She says she's been out of the country a lot. Anyway, she was writing to let me know that she got engaged. I'm very happy for her. I am really interested to meet this guy. Mary is a unique individual and I'm curious as to what kind of guy would eventually click with her on that level. Some people seem to fall right into serious relationships with who ever's around. Others need a very particular match in order to really fall in love. I wonder if it's because some people are more complex and have more trouble finding the right one or is it just that other people are just more willing to settle? I'm not sure.

The other thing that I'm excited about right now is that Kate and I have decided to plan a vacation for this March. We're not sure exactly where yet (researching that is part of the fun) but I think we're going to get scuba certified before we go and spend some of our trip diving. I'm SOOOO psyched for that.

Where's your next vacation?

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