Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Band stuff

So, last Wednesday we had our second gig at Artomatic. It was once again a blast and we got really positive feedback from the folks there. I thought I played a little sloppy, but I'm understanding that what's important is not playing each part perfectly, but putting on a show that people will enjoy. Mona made up for my few bad notes with lots of stage presense and ending our last song with "I won't buy you chips!" (inside joke, sorry)

Last night, we tried to record our songs two instruments at a time (first the bass & drums then the two guitars). Since my hardward can record two distinct tracks at a time, this will allow us to have our songs in Garage Band with each instrument as a separate track - allowing us to fiddle with level and effects and what-not. Unfortunately, we had problems with the sound board and more generally with our own incompetence. The whole night was pretty much a waste. The good news is that we think we've got it all figured out now and should be good to go to record next week.

audience for the music is one of the things that drives us to makeBeing in a band is a lot of work and it can be frustrating. We all know that there is next to no chance that we're gonna become rich and famous rock stars. So, why do it? Why not just get together and play when we feel like it? That's a hard question to answer. Having our music heard (at gigs or in a recording) is a way for us to share a part of ourselves with other people. Also, knowing that there is an eventual it good. It's more fun if there are stakes, you know? Anyway, I guess there's not a point to it really, it's just something that we all love to do.

Finally, our new MySpace page is up and running. Check it out every once in a while for band updates and to hear our latest tracks:

Also, Look how dorky Pat & Tom look in their matching shirts!

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