Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Writing a song

Collider is finishing up the writing of two more songs right now. One or two more and we'll have what I would consider a full set.

I've read plenty of web pages and even a book on how to write songs. I've never really been able to apply the step-wise approaches I've read. I don't think you can write out a process that a musician can then easily apply. This is especialy true for anyone writing with a band. In Collider there are various schools of thought as to how we should write. Pat & Bryan would like to see us just get together and jam until something comes out. Tom and I like to write on our own and then present something for the band to fiddle with. We would all like to have the vocals and guitar lines created at the same time so they don't feel slapped together, but none of us know exactly how to DO that. None of these ideas are mutually exclusive and I think we are making great progress.

My next big idea is to start by laying out a song structure FIRST and then composing riffs and guitar lines to fill it. Could be interesting. We'll see.

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