Tuesday, July 17, 2007

apathy and frustration

So, I've been pretty mood so far this week. None of the moods have been good either. I've been vacillating between apathetic, frustrated, and down-right angry. I don't really get it. I have a busy week, but nothing to difficult - just lots of stuff. I don't have real reason to be angry, but it's just how I feel when I get up. So strange. What's even weirder is that Kate feels the same way. This is really disturbing because she is usually really good at pulling herself out of a funk.

My negativity is not due to a bad weekend. Kate and I went to New York where we partied with our friends and saw our families (it had been a while since I'd closed down a bar). I took the opportunity to help my recently-retired mother purchase and set up computer equipment for her new home office. I think she's going to love working for herself. As a congratulatory gift, Caryn and I got her a really nice pen - a symbol of her new career as a freelance writer.

On Sunday I spoke to mom's church about environmental issues. I even handed out an action plan to give attendees a bunch of great ways to mitigate their environmental impact. If you'd like a copy, email me or leave a note here. The added element of stress there was that Kate's parents came. I wanted to make a good impression there - especially because Kate just told them that we're moving in together (something that Kate's mother wasn't thrilled about). After that we all went to lunch. It went pretty well - Kate's dad and Heinz share a love of German food.

Tonight is Collider practice which I'm looking forward to because music is my favorite past time right now. At the same time, I'm a bit frustrated with my band mates. I'm putting a lot of effort into things like writing new music, scheduling band practices, burning demo cds, and booking gigs. Whenever I ask for help though I don't get much response. I guess I have more interest in doing that kind of stuff than they do, and that's fair enough. I don't mind doing most of the work if I have most of the interest, but it would be nice to see at least some enthusiasm from them since they clearly want to be in the band. I mean, where will the gigs come from if we don't put any effort into getting them?

I've decided that they don't take any initiative because they'll just assume I'll do it for them. To this end, I've decided to put no work into the band (save coming to practice) for the next month or so. I'll see what happens. What do you think? Is this the right way to go? Am I being an ass? How would you approach the situation I'm in - if you wanted to put effort into the band but didn't want to feel like you were banging your head against the wall? I could use some feedback on this one.

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