Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lookin for a singer

So, the new band is coming along well. I'm getting more comfortable playing the guitar and I'm really having a blast with it. Our current working title is Laser Hammer. If you're laughing right now, you get it. Also, you WISH you were in a band cool enough to call itself Laser Hammer. So we have come to the conclusion that we need someone who can actually sing. Cause, come on, no one wants to hear me croonin except maybe Kate and even then just for a laugh. My friend Angela might sing for us but I'm not sure if she's really into our kind of music. Anyway, if you know any balls-to-the-wall singers (male or female) in DC, let me know.

As a side note, check this out - If we're outlawing things like smoking and transfats, why not do away with those old incandescent dinosaurs?

1 comment:

lauren said...

dude, brian, it is my dream to be the lead singer in a band... and yes, i can actually sing. but i don't think our genres jive, and i'm leaving for africa soon.

but oooooh so tempting. i even wrote my first song (on guitar) two weeks ago and performed it last friday! (in bob's living room as we were breaking up... but still... talk about keeping cool under pressure!!)