Monday, February 12, 2007


So, it's quite scary that I'm not sure who I believe right now - my own government or Iran's wacked-out ass. Pretty sad situation when I'm not sure who to trust between those two. Thanks, George Bush, for depleting every shred of faith I have in the honesty of my own government. F&ck.

In lighter news, the singer search continues. We had a nice lass come sing for us this past weekend. She was really nice and enthusiastic, but a bit on the odd side. She came with some lyrics......about suicide. Nice. Her ditty was entitled "Welcome To My Mistake." A bit grimm for a bunch of guys who would normally write songs about robots or The Facts of Life. We've got another dude coming in tomorrow - a hard-core Nu-metal guy with tattoos and strange facial hair. Sounds like a winner to me. We're also still adrift on the whole name issue. We've tossed around a bunch of names including Laser Hammer, Heads With No Bodies, Tattoos On Your Face, and some other gems. Any favorites there? Any unique suggestions? I suggested CattleAxe, but that was quickly vetoed. Too cerebral.

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