Friday, November 17, 2006

We're Here!

Well, we made it to Buenos Aires! Bryan and I did anyway. Philly John's flight was cancelled so we hope he'll be here tomorrow. The flight was long but totally fine. We watched Taledega Nights and now Bryan and I keep telling each other "I get up in the morning and piss pure excellence." We had a car waiting for us and when we got to Jon & Yulia's place she had a platter full of empanadas waiting for us. I'm completely stuffed. The apartment is spectacular! They've got three and a half bathrooms, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, a master bedroom, two guest rooms and an office/music room. And all this on the 24th floor of a doorman building. The view from the wrap-around balcony is spectacular. Now we're just chilling and waiting for Jon to get back from work.

My personal hitch is that American Airlines seems to have lost my luggage. Hopefully it'll show up tomorrow. If it doesn't, Yulia promised to take me to Eve St. Laurent so I can buy some pretty dresses. I don't care, I'll enjoy myself no matter what. However, my digical camera card reader is in my lost bag so you'll need to wait on pictures.

1 comment:

lauren said...

you said spectacular twice. that's spectacular. mmm... empanadas. how i miss argeninta! very jealous indeed. spectacular.