Thursday, November 09, 2006

My heros

I, like most of you, am friggin ecstatic over our huge wins in the House and even the SENATE! Not only can we now stop the carnage that this administration has wrought on progressive issues in America, we can put forward a proactive vision of how the Democratic party can make this country a better place. I understand that we have needed to play the Iraq and scandal cards in the past 6 months, but I hope that the Dem leadership will stop playing the blame game and give us a series of progressive bills (which Bush will veto) that can serve as our political agenda for the next Presidential election.

I specifically wanted to doff my hat to two people who, in my mind, exemplify the best in American political involvement. First, my girlfriend Kate took a week of unpaid leave from her job to help run a call center in NY. Kate spent a series of 18 hour work days training and managing phone bank volunteers and making get out the vote calls herself. Kate's seemingly inexhaustible well of energy and enthusiasm matched with her innate ability to make everyone around her smile makes Kate a real superhero in my mind - working for truth, justice, and a better American way.

I would also like to recognize one Mister Jim McBride. Jim's tireless efforts on behalf of Jim Webb included everything from calling potential voters to organizing major fund raising events. I don't know how many votes Jim's campaigning and fundraising earned Senator Webb, but I would not at all be surprised if that number topped 7300 votes. In my mind, Jim McBride won the Senate for the Democratic party.


Anonymous said...

Hats off to Jim and Kate!

Anonymous said...

word. and here's to the wins... been a long time coming