Friday, December 29, 2006
For New Years I'll be up in New York hanging with some of my best friends and the lovely Kathryn and her friends. She's been stressing out. Her friends are all just a little too laid back to get NYE plans in order so it's fallen to her. She's not the logistical superfreak that I am so planning a new years night for 15 people is not her cup of tea. It's amazing how much pressure we put on ourselves to achieve the archetype, isn't it? New Year's eve is always supposed to be super fun and exciting - a thrill a minute. Valentines Day is always supposed to be tender and romantic. Christmas is the hardest. You have family that you don't see all year, but on Christmas everyone is supposed to be smiles and sunshine and family and carols and what not. All this effort to achieve our ideal version of a night almost always ends in cringing frustration or just plain old disappointment.
So why do we do it? Well, I think I do it because the ideal, no matter how unrealistic, is pretty darn awesome. Who doesn't want to sing songs and tell stories by the fire with a family that loves them? Who doesn't want to party like the world is going to end? Who doesn't want to share that moment with their special someone where their love is the only thing in the world that matters? I think the holidays are like gambling. The chances of it turning out right are very low, but we're all so wrapped up in the dream of what it COULD be like, that we keep playing. We roll the dice every holiday and hope that the club will be fun, that we'll be loved, that the turkey won't be dry, and that Santa will bring us all good cheer and tolerance. This year, let's all try to have a good time and just worry about breaking even.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Why can't life be more like The A-Team?
Today, I was emailing with a colleague and he responded to my email saying:
"Many thanks for the quick determination on this issue. This outcome simplifies the funding transmittal process."
Somehow, it's just not the same. Also, I never get to drug my colleagues in order to get them on a plane.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Good Music
So, what was the one exception? Their tempo was all over the place! The entire band was slowing down and then speeding back up (very noticeably) all night. Got on my nerves. That said, We Are Scientists is a great new band that you should check out. They're post-new wave rock if that means anything to you. They use a lot of squealing guitars and syncopated drumming.
What other new music am I listening to? Well, the albums I'm listening to most right now come from the following bands. Check them out if you get the chance.
Art Brut - British post-punk stuff
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - low-fi art rock
Morningwood - chick-led pop-rock
Flyleaf - chick-led hard rock
O.K. Go - Poppy-rocky fun stuff. You should definitely check out this band.
Tenacious D - the soundtrack to The Pick of Destiny is out
Hey, if you know a cool new band that I should listen to, post their name here. Also, if you're looking for a really cool way to find new music you like, visit Put in a couple bands you like and this website will create a streaming radio station with other bands you might like based on your preferences. You can also give positive and negative feedback on each song you hear to help the site refine its selections for you. Rock on.
Monday, December 11, 2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
today's highlight
I just got off the most hilarious phone call. This old English dude named John Fallon called me looking to track down a colleague of mine. He just kept going on and on about how he got my number and who he was looking for and why it was important. Even after I gave him the number he was seeking, he just wanted to chat on and on about the background of his project. Apparently, he’s promoting burning alcohol in small turbine generators and he heard that NREL has just such a generator sitting around in Golden,
Monday, December 04, 2006
Death by Meeting
I used to work with a guy who said that companies should eliminate all chairs from conference rooms and that would make meetings shorter. I think that would just make everyone resent their coworkers that much more for making them stand around. Personally, I think we should develop a computer program that calculates the per-minute salary of everyone attending a meeting and then displays a running tally of meeting cost on an electronic banner in each conference room.
Meanwhile, I just pushed back for the first time and informed my boss that I will NOT be going to DOE's staff update meeting tomorrow. I don't need more information - I need time to put what information I've been able to assimilate to good use. Once I've produced a some value, then maybe I'll consider heaping more meetings onto my plate. For now, I'm gonna keep my head down and try to eek out some productivity. Wish me luck.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Life at NREL
Meanwhile, my friend Jihan has invited me to be her date to the SENTECH holiday party. That'll be fun. If anyone tries to give me any sht^t about having left I'll just ignore it. I'm going to have fun with Jihan, Bryan, Phil, Shawn, Bill, Tyrone, Jo & everyone else that I like there - not to talk business. It's sad enough that so many cool folks have left.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
So long, BA!
Yesterday we went to two polo matches. Polo is friggin awesome! I am going to learn the rules and start going to some matches in DC and Northern VA. Last night we decided to make it a last hurrah by going out for a nice dinner and then to this dutch bar (kind of like Brickskeller) with a great outdoor roof deck. We drank beers and talked about life until almost 4am (bars in Argentina stay open pretty much all night) . When the waitress brought us our check she put it down and told Jon in Spanish "Now, this isn't a joke - this is actually your bill." It was....a large number. We were all extremely intoxicated though so I suppose we got our money's worth.
Now I'm heading home. I've loved this trip, but I am ready to go home. I miss Kate and my liver is about to go on strike. I can't wait to show you all pictures of what is an absolutely amazing city.

Friday, November 24, 2006
Places to see, things to do

Most people I meet seem to focus on the first part of that phrase and make it their ambition to see the world. I think that's important, but really enjoy the second part as well. It is my lifelong ambition to do everything at least once. I've found that every time I experience another activity on my wish list it's always worth the time and effort. Biking across France, flying an ultralight, skydiving, scubadiving - they've all been amazing experiences.
This morning I accomplished another thing on my wish list - I galloped on a horse. We were at the Estancia (dude ranch) and I got my horse (Tostada) up to a full gallop several times before we had to pack it in. It really was much smoother riding at a gallop than it was at a trot. Besides riding we had a great time there. Lots of beef for lunch - though surprisingly, a vegetarian dinner. We also had a ping pong contest (seems that I excel at ping pong - who knew?), a drag race with broken down cruiser bikes, and saw the prettiest sunset I think I've ever seen.
The Estancia was a definate highlight of the trip. Tomorrow we're going to try to go see a polo match. And now that I've galloped a horse I'm that much more excited about sinking my teeth into hang gliding, surfing, and rock climing. Who's with me?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Argentinian Dude Ranch

Monday, November 20, 2006
Having a wonderful time

Hi there folks,
We're having an absolute blast here in Buenos Aires. This is a gorgeous city. It feels like Paris in many ways, but it is definately distinctive. It's also gigantic. Cabs and the metro line are easy to use and very cheap. We've visited an antique row much like London's Portabello Road - full of merchants and street performers. We've walked around some of the city's most famous monuments, we've been to the Japanese gardens, and also done some shopping. We've also been eating a considerable amount of meat and consuming lots and lots of red wine. This morning we went to the gym and then lounged by the pool. That's the nice thing about taking this much time here - we don't feel rushed.

Friday, November 17, 2006
We're Here!

Monday, November 13, 2006
Amazing Weekend

Thursday, November 09, 2006
My heros
I specifically wanted to doff my hat to two people who, in my mind, exemplify the best in American political involvement. First, my girlfriend Kate took a week of unpaid leave from her job to help run a call center in NY. Kate spent a series of 18 hour work days training and managing phone bank volunteers and making get out the vote calls herself. Kate's seemingly inexhaustible well of energy and enthusiasm matched with her innate ability to make everyone around her smile makes Kate a real superhero in my mind - working for truth, justice, and a better American way.
I would also like to recognize one Mister Jim McBride. Jim's tireless efforts on behalf of Jim Webb included everything from calling potential voters to organizing major fund raising events. I don't know how many votes Jim's campaigning and fundraising earned Senator Webb, but I would not at all be surprised if that number topped 7300 votes. In my mind, Jim McBride won the Senate for the Democratic party.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Why I'm Blogging
Welcome to my blog. I decided to do this for a couple reasons. I found myself sending out random thoughts and fun life updates to various people but never sure if I was being annoying. This way, anyone who's interested in what's up with me can check in from time to time to find out for themselves. My thanks to Lauren. It was my periodic visits to her cool blog that made me decide to throw my own together. Also, thanks to my pop who just sent me the supercool camera I'll be using to take the pics you'll see posted. Thanks for visiting!
- Brian
Happy Halloween!

Meanwhile, the newest addition to my family, one Evan Marshall, rocked out in his frog costume. Here's a picture of Evan saying "Frank" (inside joke)