Friday, December 01, 2006

Life at NREL

So, I'm closing in on the end of my second day here at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. So far everyone here has been really fantastic about welcoming me and making time to answer all of my questions. This job is going to be different from everything I've done before. In the past my job has always been about getting an assignment and determining the best way to get it done. Now I'm going to be focusing more on determining what the assignments should be and ensure that those doing the work are doing it well. Nuts. Oh well, it'll be fine.

Meanwhile, my friend Jihan has invited me to be her date to the SENTECH holiday party. That'll be fun. If anyone tries to give me any sht^t about having left I'll just ignore it. I'm going to have fun with Jihan, Bryan, Phil, Shawn, Bill, Tyrone, Jo & everyone else that I like there - not to talk business. It's sad enough that so many cool folks have left.

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