Monday, January 08, 2007

Global Warming Weekend

Picture yourself in Washington, DC in early January. It's Winter. Now, if you're riding a bike in shorts and a T-shirt (as Kate and I were on Saturday) then you know that the apocolypse is near and everyone who lives at or around sea-level should make their peace with God. That said, Kate and I did enjoy our ride down to Old Town (where she bought me an ice cream cone - score) and back. That night we watched football and played games with a few of her friends. It was a really great weekend. I think I'm rather developing a crush on that gal.

Anyway, I wanted to include this picture I just got of my sister, brother-in-law, step-mom, and nephew (Evan). This kid is going to be a real comedian.


Anonymous said...

such a cute boy that evan!
he is going to be a heartbreaker!

Anonymous said...

Seems like the only photo in this blog that's in focus, should have received a photo credid....