Monday, December 11, 2006


Is it stupid and juvenile to go see a speed metal band dressed up in rubber demon costumes where they execute people on stage and spray the crowd with fake blood (and other bodily fluids)? Judging by the rest of the audience at last nights GWAR show, I would have to call that a resounding yes. Indeed, I felt no shame at having paid $20 to listen to songs about hell while watching Satan battling a 15 foot T-rex or even being narrowly missed by the spray from Hitler’s recently exposed carotid artery. These things in no way indicated that I was wasting time or money. After all – it was a show! What told me I was being silly, was the evidence all around me – a mass of awkwardly drunk teens and be-mulletted rednecks that seemed to equivocate the coming of GWAR with the only true release in their otherwise meaningless lives. The demon rockers were funny. The crowd was the only thing evoking fear or disgust. Oh well – I guess I’ll see ‘em again next year! Oh, and for you GWAR fans out there – no, they did not play Fistful of Teeth (major disappointment) but they did play a particularly brutal version of Meat Sandwich.