Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Good Music

So, in juxtaposition to Sunday's concert, Tom, Pat and I saw We Are Scientists at Black Cat last night. There were no special effects, no wacky skits, just really good music. This was my first time seeing these guys and I have to say that (with one exception) their live show is even better than their CD. I love bands that are better live than produced. When I like a bands album but find that they stink live, I can never really appreciate the album in the same way.

So, what was the one exception? Their tempo was all over the place! The entire band was slowing down and then speeding back up (very noticeably) all night. Got on my nerves. That said, We Are Scientists is a great new band that you should check out. They're post-new wave rock if that means anything to you. They use a lot of squealing guitars and syncopated drumming.

What other new music am I listening to? Well, the albums I'm listening to most right now come from the following bands. Check them out if you get the chance.
Art Brut - British post-punk stuff
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - low-fi art rock
Morningwood - chick-led pop-rock
Flyleaf - chick-led hard rock
O.K. Go - Poppy-rocky fun stuff. You should definitely check out this band.
Tenacious D - the soundtrack to The Pick of Destiny is out

Hey, if you know a cool new band that I should listen to, post their name here. Also, if you're looking for a really cool way to find new music you like, visit Put in a couple bands you like and this website will create a streaming radio station with other bands you might like based on your preferences. You can also give positive and negative feedback on each song you hear to help the site refine its selections for you. Rock on.

1 comment:

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