Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Greatest Thing Ever

Check out what my sister (master quilter) has hung over her son's crib. Clearly the boy will be raised properly. Now, without offending Caryn's Christian sensibilities, I'll say that I think raising one's child by the code of the Jedi is pretty much the best way to ensure a kind, generous, well-adjusted member of society. Religions are often full of carrots and sticks telling us why we should do certain things or act a certain way. But why do we really adhere to certain standards of behavior? Simple - because they work. If you are a good person, good things come your way. Not because of karma per se, but because people like being around nice people. People like doing business with honest people. No one respects a quitter. And, frankly, reality doesn't listen to excuses. Do or do not - there is no try.

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