Tuesday, August 07, 2007

If you go to www.simpsonizeme.com you can upload a picture of yourself and create a simpson-esque character that sorta, kinda, doesn't look completely unlike you. Well, to be honest, the computer generated version of me wasn't even close. But they let you tweak it after. This was the best I could come up with - this is the Simpsons Brian.
Those of you who know Bryan Pai know that he's started a new job at Sun Edison, the nation's largest solar utility. His role there is to provide integrating analysis for the company's business, technology, and marketing elements - determining project costs and forecasting corporate needs. Sounds like a tall order. He's been busy but really enjoying his new position. Here's a great shot of Bryan on a recent tour of solar installations in New Jersey.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Who else is psyched about ethics reform?

Okay, so besides being elated that Ted Stevens is finally being investigated for being clearly the most "for sale" Senate seat in recent history, I'm really jazzed about the 411-8 vote in the House on the ethics reform bill. I was going to be VERY displeased with my party if the Dems didn't do this and I can't wait for it to pass the Senate later this week. Assuming another large majority passage, Bush (read Cheney) can't even veto it.

I was, of course, let down by the softening of sections of earmarks and bundling, but at least this will set a new baseline. In a couple years - when this feels like the standard - we can hopefully make another push and clean up Congress that much more. It is generally insane to me that we have a governing body that is so clearly broken and corrupt and yet it is still so difficult to fix these open sores on our democracy. I can't believe that people who vote against ethics reform are not immediately ousted by their constituencies. Probably because they're using loopholes to bring home the pork. Maybe, when we eventually get rid of earmarks altogether, we'll have a representative democracy that works the way our founding fathers intended. Maybe.

I hope these efforts, plus the election of a visionary democrat (let's hope such a thing still exists) will mean a more honest government that works in the interests of all the American people for a change.

Does anyone know if Bob Ney is in jail yet. I sure hope so. Oh yeah, and fuck you Ted Stevens and fuck you Jim DeMint. You can both suck it.